Viva Magonline Simple Guide To pick Eco-Friendly Denim

1. Opt For Natural Fibers Made of  100 percent of natural fibre is a must. Organic cotton uses less water. Other plant-based fibres such as...

Old Fashion Big yellow school buses go green

Canadians everywhere are feeling the impact of COVID-19; on their families, their livelihoods and their way of life. Together, Canada and Prince Edward Island...

Orangetheory Fitness Introduces Eco-Friendly Biodegradable Gym Wipes Nationwide

  Orangetheory Fitness has taken a significant step towards environmental sustainability by launching Natrulab biodegradable disinfectant wipes in all 110 Canadian locations. These eco-friendly wipes,...

Embrace a Green Retreat Without Busting Your Budget

Are you itching for an adventure that’s kind to both your wallet and Mother Earth? Well, Belize is calling! Nestled along the pristine eastern...

Skinny cod and grey seal reveals troubling changes to food web in the Baltic...

  "It is important that you understand how the food web works when managing a fishery. It is not enough to manage how the fish...

George Brown College and SIXR Unveil Eco-Friendly Hoodie: A Step Towards Sustainable Fashion

Innovative Partnership Tackles Fast Fashion Crisis Toronto's George Brown College, through its Brookfield Sustainability Institute, has joined forces with the Canadian tech fashion startup SIXR...

Blame it on Climate change…

Our fragile ecosystem has suffered yet another devastating blow. Billions of Arctic crustaceans have lost habitat and life to human activity. A press release from...

Nature’s Path Organic Foods: Sowing Seeds of Goodness in 2023!

Hey there, green thumbs and organic food lovers! We've got some exciting news to share from Nature's Path Organic Foods, the champions of organic...

To make our wardrobes sustainable, we must cut how many new clothes we buy...

By Samantha Sharpe, Monique Retamal and Taylor Brydges, University of Technology Sydney Sydney, Apr 18 The Conversation If things don't change fast, the fashion...

The government of Canada invests in partnerships to support freshwater habitat research

Freshwater habitats include the numerous lakes, rivers, streams and waterways that are part of Canada's diverse aquatic ecosystem. These versatile habitats and species that call them...