Alex Melanson

Age: 26 Occupation: Teacher Health issue: Emotional Eating Details: In a moment of crisis or stress, it’s easy to fill your body with comfort foods. My comfort...

Jenna Johnson

Health issue: Fatigue and Irritability Age: 24 Location: Caledon, Ontario Occupation: Masters student Symptoms: After experiencing extreme mood swings for a few months and starting the birth control...

Inspired Living: Priya Malhotra

PRIYA MALHOTRA AGE: 32 OCCUPATION: Marketing Manager HEALTH ISSUE: B12 deficiency SYMPTOMS: I was feeling extremely weak and tired, and noticed that I was losing hair. I was...

Dawson’s Agenda

ROSARIO DAWSON CHATS ABOUT WHAT EMPOWERS HER, MAKES HER HAPPY AND KEEPS HER FIT. Born in New York City, a 15 year-old Dawson was discovered...


Name: Branka Age: 51 Occupation: Writer/novelist Health issue: breast cancer Symptoms: In 2003 I felt quite tired, especially in the early mornings, as that was the time when...

Model Behaviour

Kathy Ireland manages to keep pace as a busy mother and a mega mogul. by bonnie siegler • photograph by jonathan exley So...

Sophie Monk – An Island of Her Own

How much can one person endure? What does it take to grow? Sophie Monk is living proof that being resilient is the key to...


Age: 40 Occupation: STUDENT AND MOTHER Health issue: tiredness and feeling of being unwell Symptoms: Shortly after moving to Vancouver from Montreal, I began to feel tired...