Easy Ways to Stay Healthy and Active During Fall

  For many of us, the change in season is marked by tucking away sundresses and sandals in the backs of our closets baited breath...
Trudie German fitness tips

Fitness at home: Why you should ditch the gym

by Trudie German, owner and creative force of Body Envy I remember the days when I thought a gym membership was mandatory for me to get...

Which is more important: fitness or finances?

One in three (33%) Canadians say improving their personal fitness and nutrition is their top new year’s resolution, compared with only 21 per cent...

“Bottoms Up” Get Glorious Glutes

  As we are settling into this new decade, many of us have some amazing goals to accomplish. One thing that still remains the same,...

Woman’s Secret Playbook to Crush Sarcopenia & Reclaim Youthful Vigor!

Sarcopenia might not be a word you hear every day, but it's something that could affect how you live, especially as you get older....

From our no limit series

Sheryl Bader loses 189 pounds turns into a fitness instructor sensation. She struggled with obesity all of her life, but couldn't lose the weight on...

Toronto Fitness Company Reaps the Rewards of Its COVID Pivot

Though the pandemic has affected them greatly, Toronto-based personal training company 'Nielsen Fitness' didn't close up shop (or break the law) as a result of COVID precautions; instead they...