Friends with Benefits

Forget social media—you have billions of buddies already, and they're helping to keep you healthy! BY Dr. Nigel Plummer, PhD and Medical Advisor to Genestra...

Keep Electronics out of the Bedroom!

Researchers from Brown University have advice for young teens and tweens: stop taking electronic gadgets to bed. All kids know that it’s harder to fall...

The Lasting Value of Good-Quality Sleep

By Sarah Cummings We all know that sensation of waking up after a truly good night’s sleep and feeling like we can take on the entire...

Pillow Talk

Have you ever felt like you’re tumbling down a rabbit hole all night long? Neither fully asleep nor fully awake but when it’s time...

Buyer’s Guide: The Growing Health Concern of Depression

By Paula Reid Depression is a growing health problem, and gets much more complicated than being unhappy. Brain chemistry, genetic predisposition, personality, and stress can...

Is Your Sense of Smell Making you Gain Weight?

According to a new Yale University study, those who have a more vivid imagination when it comes to smelling and visualizing food may be...

Putting the self back into self-esteem

From the time a little girl can (barely) talk, princess mania can hijack her self-esteem. Be it fairytales or excitement over how cute she...

Alzheimer’s preventative care and approach with natural health supplements

There are 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention—that we can better protect and care for ourselves and for our loved ones who are struggling with...

Canadian Pharmacists vs. Medical Cannabis Industry

Recently, the Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA) has called for pharmacists to be more involved in the dispensing of medical marijuana. The association believes this...

Do I Know You From Somewhere?

We’ve all had that moment: you’re walking down the street or through the supermarket, and you feel like you recognize someone you know. However,...