What is MTHFR mutation?

Nutritional genomics, a groundbreaking scientific field, sheds light on the intricate dance between our diet and our DNA. With the unveiling of the Human...

Pillow Talk

Have you ever felt like you’re tumbling down a rabbit hole all night long? Neither fully asleep nor fully awake but when it’s time...

Should You Get the Flu Shot?

Not sure if you and your family should get the flu shot this year? Here’s the lowdown on flu prevention and how to decide...

Keep Electronics out of the Bedroom!

Researchers from Brown University have advice for young teens and tweens: stop taking electronic gadgets to bed. All kids know that it’s harder to fall...

Do I Know You From Somewhere?

We’ve all had that moment: you’re walking down the street or through the supermarket, and you feel like you recognize someone you know. However,...

St John’s wort: herbal help for depression?

While everyone has periods of sadness in their lives, nearly one in nine Canadian men and women will experience major depressive disorder—or “depression”—in their...

What is Reflexology?

Practiced in diverse cultures for centuries, reflexology is a method of touch therapy that is a universally acclaimed healing art and science. For either...

Canadian Pharmacists vs. Medical Cannabis Industry

Recently, the Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA) has called for pharmacists to be more involved in the dispensing of medical marijuana. The association believes this...

Yoga vs. Pilates

YOGA Who: Perri van Rossem, over 10 years of experience in Hatha Yoga and owner of Yoga with Perri in Kingston, ON. What is it? It...

Prevent Seizures with Music Therapy

Do you know someone who lives with a seizure disorder? Listening to music might be a health benefit. BY PHILL FELTHAM Where would the world...